Comprehensive User Stories

Get a comprehensive view of your user story with all fields. This includes a description, pre-conditions, triggers, user experience, post conditions, and acceptance criteria.


What does your company do?

Example: Twitter is a social networking service on which users send and respond publically or privately texts, images, and videos known as "Tweets".

What is the feature you want developed?

Example: A "thread" which is a series of connected Tweets from one person. With a thread you can provide additional context, an update, or an extended point by connecting multiple Tweets together.


Example User Story 1

As a user, I want to be able to create a thread on Twitter so that I can connect multiple Tweets together and provide additional context or information.


This user story relates to the user's ability to create a thread on Twitter. A thread allows users to connect multiple Tweets together, providing additional context, updates, or an extended point.


User is logged in to their Twitter account. User has multiple Tweets to connect in a thread.


Clicking on the "Create Thread" button on the Twitter interface.

User Experience

User clicks on the "Create Thread" button. User selects the first Tweet to be included in the thread. User continues selecting and adding more Tweets to the thread. The system visually represents the thread, showing the connected Tweets in order. User can add text or media to each Tweet in the thread. User can rearrange the order of the Tweets in the thread. User can delete or remove individual Tweets from the thread. User can preview how the thread will appear before publishing. User can publish the thread, making it public for others to view.


The thread is created and published on the user's Twitter profile. The connected Tweets are displayed in the specified order.

Acceptance Criteria

User should be able to easily create a thread by selecting and adding multiple Tweets. The system should visually represent the connected Tweets in the thread. User should be able to add text or media to each Tweet in the thread. User should have control over the order and content of the Tweets in the thread. User should be able to preview and publish the thread. Thread should be viewable by others on the user's Twitter profile.

View User Story 2